“Be still and know”
— Epitaph of Dr. William Garner Sutherland, Originator of Cranial Osteopathy
What is Bio-Dynamic Cranial Touch?
Bio-Dynamic Cranial Touch is a non-medical, non-doing approach where the practitioner abides in neutral, resting in the SA node of her heart. This allows for the Breath of Life’s inherent treatment plan for the client to unfold. Both practitioner and client alike orient their attention within the body and attune to enfoldments of consciousness within the inner body space. This particular form was developed by Charles Ridley. Bio-Dynamic Touch recognizes that the body is an unlimited mystery, and an on-going unfolding creative process that is an expression of consciousness. Bio-Dynamic Touch reorients towards the health and wholeness within you, and the direct felt contact with how The Breath of Life expresses and flows in your body. We trust that what made the body also heals the body. The different enfoldments are revealed to both practitioner and client through the predominant elements that arise during a session.
What are benefits of Bio-Dynamic Cranial Touch?
– An experience of a direct body-felt connection to health and wholeness.
– Wholeness (health) on all levels; Body-Mind-Spirit
– Support of your inherent evolutionary plan.
– Deep union with The Breath of Life, which supports the evolution of consciousness.
– Increased calm and resiliency.
– A time and space to cultivate a receptive state of being.
– A greater sense of center, and a growing trust for how life moves you.
Session Experiences
Cranial Rhythm-Earth-Tissue: Your history, ego, inner static, buzzing, mind activity, perceiving from the nervous system.
Flow-Water: Your awareness (mind) and your inner body space are in relationship, a sense of healing body-mind, ocean like feelings, heart perceiving.
Luminosity-Air and Fire: Breath becomes slower; awareness expands, spaciousness, lightness, and a sense of delicateness can arise. Self-referencing ceases and becoming one with the Absolute happens.
Dynamic Stillness- Radiant Presence: Vast infinite blackness, accompanied with a sense of being unconditionally loved, stillness and silence.
Breath of Love -All That IS: Union with the Infinite, lessening of the sense of self, or “I” and an increase sense of the Body as Consciousness.
“Each one of us is wise beyond our wildest dreams. It is an honor and a joy to be a companion with people on this journey of harvesting their inner wisdom, resources, and aliveness. I look forward to the healing journey with you; where magic happens and new possibilities can emerge for you and your life.”
— Denise Martini