“Come into this place, where the ordinary is sanctified, the human is celebrated, the compassion is expected…”

— Excerpt from “Come In” by Becky Edmiston






2024 Spring Offerings


Tending Our Inner Garden and Outer Flowering

Continuum Daylong

When: Saturday, April 6 – The Pink Full Moon Rebirth

Where: Private studio in Sonoma

Time: 10am – 4pm

Doors open at 9:45am

Cost: $150

Come ~ Listen ~ Discover ~ Explore

Biological Movement ~ Organismic Intelligence

Tending our bodies, hearts, and souls!

Through enfolding and unfolding, and tending our inner landscape with various breaths, sounds, and movements we will explore and discover what’s alive and wanting expression. We will play with the 4 stages of metamorphosis, stirring our fluid intelligence through movement inquiry, engaging the mystery where flowering, rebirth, and new possibilities arises showing us what else is possible beyond what we already know.

The Invitation to Grow

It takes years for seeds to grow into

trees, and the season’s shape and

scar each tree into place.

You could say that the journey of

being a spirit on earth is the

human equivalent, and the years of

experience shape and scar each of

us into place.

You could say that this is the long

road to freedom.

It is our invitation to grow.

—Mark Nepo, As Far as the Heart Can See


12 Participants Max.

Please register via email: denise@somasense.com

Subject line: “Sign me up for the April Daylong”.

We’ll send you a PayPal link and the address.

Full refund before 3.30.24 No refund after this date.

Wellness Precautions: If you have any cold or flu like symptoms, we ask that you refrain from attending out of consideration for the group – Thank you!


Thursday Evening Continuum Practice
Committed Series

Every one of us is whole and complete.

Within us lie the answers to every question we have, the quandaries we find ourselves in,

and the doubts we cannot reconcile.

We already know which way to go, when to stop, and when to lead. But we forget.

Remembering… requires our unhurried, gentle presence.

We must go slow.

—Marianna Cacciatore, from the book Being There for Someone in Grief

Moving From the Inside Out

Thursday Evening Continuum Practice

4 – Class Committed Series

When: March 21 & 28, April 4 & 11

Where: Private studio in Sonoma

All levels welcome.

Time: 4 – 5:30pm

Doors Open 3:45pm. Bring Your Own Mat

Cost: $100 for series

Entering in silence and movement supports our arrival for our evening practice. We will then circle up to layer in breaths, sounds, and movement explorations. Our practice supports embodied expressions and allows integration of impressions from our daily life. This helps us stay current with ourselves while meeting the complexities of life.

·    Do you long for more balance between doing and being?

·    Do you long for more body-mind, heart, and soul time?

·    Do you long to be with like-minded people, in community?

If yes, then Thursday Evening Practice is for you!


10 Participants Max.
Please register via email: denise@somasense.com
Subject line: “Sign me up for Thursday evening practice”. We’ll send you a payment options and the address.

We will explore: 

·    Slowing down, inner-listening, self-regulation, and presence practices

·    Movement and Stillness

·    A variety of breaths, sounds, sensations, and shapes

·    Developing self-witnessing capacities

·    Cultivating kindness, compassion, and acceptance towards all that arises.

Wellness Precautions: If you have any cold or flu like symptoms, we ask that you refrain from attending out of consideration for the group – Thank you!






Come In

Come into this place, which we make holy by our presence.
Come in with all your vulnerabilities and strengths,
fears and anxieties, loves and hopes.
For here you need not hide, nor pretend, or be
anything other than who you are and are called to be.
Come into this place where we can touch and be
touched, heal and be healed, forgive and be forgiven.
Come into this place, where the ordinary is
sanctified, the human is celebrated, the compassion is expected.
Come into this place.
Together we make it a holy place.