“Look within….the secret is inside of you”

— Hui neng


What is Spiritual Counseling?

Spiritual counseling is a mindful, self-study process that explores present moment experience, through the felt-sense of your body. The guiding principles are loving presence, non-violence, and a non-judgmental stance to create a safe enough place for you to be you. Spiritual Counseling supports wholeness, not perfection. The practice of embracing all of who you are and your life experiences with mindfulness and an experiential attitude allows your inner-resources, your inner guidance, and your inner wisdom to come forth. New possibilities emerge, choice points become more apparent, and healing happens. Celebration, joy, and hope can return!

What are benefits of Spiritual Counseling?

H.E.A.L.I.N.G. G.R.A.C.E.

H eal fear; live from curiosity.
E nhance your SomaSense abilities; the ability to listen, sense, feel, and hear your body, mind, and spirit cues.
A wareness development of present-moment experiencing.
L ove and acceptance of self.
I ntegrate the human and spiritual realms.
N egotiate and resolve trauma through the body.
G enerate peace and good will.

G ratitude for all that is.
R e-claim your spiritual birthright!
A cknowledge your truth(s).
C ultivate and harvest your inner-wisdom and wholeness.
E mbrace your human being-ness, not just human doing-ness.

“Each one of us is wise beyond our wildest dreams. It is an honor and a joy to be a companion with people on this journey of harvesting their inner wisdom, resources, and aliveness. I look forward to the healing journey with you; where magic happens and new possibilities can emerge for you and your life.”
— Denise Martini