“Come into this place, where the ordinary is sanctified, the human is celebrated, the compassion is expected…”

— Excerpt from “Come In” by Becky Edmiston

Upcoming Offerings

Previous Offerings

Artwork: Denise Martini

Continuum Daylong #1

Craniosacral Self-Session Explorations, and More…

Playing with textured breaths, sounds…
Movement and Stillness…
Touching ground, reaching into sky…
Tending our bodies, minds, hearts, and souls!
Rivers, landscapes, the elemental Nature…
That we are – from the inside out!
As body, as breath… As sound and movement…

Artwork: Randy Steping

Continuum Daylong #2

Tending Our Inner Garden and Outer Flowering

We will co-create a sacred container that allows us to cultivate and tend our Inner Garden; our bodies, minds, hearts, and souls! Through playing with a garden variety of textured breaths, sounds, movement, and stillness we will practice allowing whatever is unfolding and flowering, as body, to have space to be known, seen, felt, and expressed. This is the means and the end. We will close our time together with respectfully sharing seeds of importance in a council style circle with deep listening and attention given to each participant.

½ Day Continuum Explorations

Exploring Body: An On-Going, Unfolding, Creative Process

This FREE 3 hr. class on Saturday April 15 is a wonderful opportunity to have a dip in to see what this Continuum practice may hold for you. The practices are wonderful for the creative process, the healing process, the aging process, spiritual inquiry, and/or just for the joy of moving and having a context to embody oneself more fully!  We will explore our mascot, the octopus, as a way of invoking our primordial anatomy and the deep waters we come from… As us… and moves us, as body!

Photo by: Denise Martini

Continuum Morning Practice

Committed Spring Series

Entering in silence with music to warm up to supports our arrival into the empty space of possibilities and entering our morning practice, together. We will then circle up to layer in textured breaths, sounds, movement and stillness explorations. These practices support embodied expressions and allow integration of impressions from our daily lives to happen. Through sharing meaningful moments with each other, in circles, we can stay more current with ourselves while meeting the complexities of life.

Artwork: Denise Martini

Continuum Daylong #3

Embodying the Fierce and Tender Heart Within

Cultivating our Dynamic Range through practical practices for these wild times we live and love in!

In this daylong adventure, we will play with textured breaths and sounds while invoking and exploring our primordial anatomy through primal movement… Wrapping muscle around bones, finding our paws… our claws… our teeth and tail… awakening our 70 trillion cells of intelligence! We will become our fluid nature, though moving all the different ways water moves… Spiraling, swirling, spreading, rising, freezing… Falling…

This way of exploring body as creative process supports the dynamic range of our fierce and tender hearts for these wild times we live and love in!

Continuum Evening Practice

Committed Fall Series

Entering in silence with music to warm up to supports our arrival into the empty space of possibilities and entering our evening practice, together. We will then circle up to layer in textured breaths, sounds, movement and stillness explorations. These practices support embodied expressions and allow integration of impressions from our daily lives to happen. Through sharing meaningful moments with each other, in circles, we can stay more current with ourselves while meeting the complexities of life.

Continuum Daylong #4

Tending Our Inner Garden and Outer Flowering

We will co-create a sacred container that allows us to cultivate and tend our Inner Garden; our bodies, minds, hearts, and souls! Through playing with a garden variety of textured breaths, sounds, movement, and stillness we will practice allowing whatever is unfolding and flowering, as body, to have space to be known, seen, felt, and expressed. This is the means and the end. We will close our time together with respectfully sharing seeds of importance in a council style circle with deep listening and attention given to each participant.

Come In

Come into this place, which we make holy by our presence.
Come in with all your vulnerabilities and strengths,
fears and anxieties, loves and hopes.
For here you need not hide, nor pretend, or be
anything other than who you are and are called to be.
Come into this place where we can touch and be
touched, heal and be healed, forgive and be forgiven.
Come into this place, where the ordinary is
sanctified, the human is celebrated, the compassion is expected.
Come into this place.
Together we make it a holy place.